Journey into China’s AI Future

Join the China AI Innovation Tour for an exciting journey to China’s AI-driven world, exploring dynamic cities like Shanghai, Hangzhou, and Shenzhen. This tour showcases China’s commitment to becoming a global AI leader, showcasing the future of autonomous vehicles, eco-friendly transportation, and AI’s impact on banking and consumer services. Discover visionary entrepreneurs, start-ups, and key figures driving the AI revolution, and engage in lively discussions with experts from healthcare, manufacturing, and retail. Secure your spot now to shape the future of AI together.

Key focus areas:


Latest trends in AI, ML, NLP and automation technologies


Financial institutions’ innovation labs


Meeting with industry players in cryptocurrencies, blockchain and DeFi


Connecting with disruptors, fintechs, unicorns, start-ups and accelerators


Briefing by leading VCs and private equity firms


Case studies from leading tech giants in Silicon Valley

Your Itinerary

9:00 -10:00

Breakfast and Introduction

Our hosts will provide an introduction to the program, site visits, and key innovation trends to be covered during the tour.

10:00 – 11:00

4 Paradigm: Empowering Businesses through Deep Learning and Predictive Analytics

4 Paradigm is a Chinese AI pioneer transforming organisations with its distinct deep learning and predictive analytical solutions.

We'll engage with top experts from 4 Paradigm and focus on these key areas:

  • Enterprise Insights: Investigate how embedding AI into central business operations advantages leaders in various sectors.
  • Market Foresight Tools: Learn about 4 Paradigm's techniques for forecasting market transitions and managing risks effectively.
  • Sector-Specific Strategies: Grasp how 4 Paradigm collaborates to forge bespoke technological strategies.
Briefing by
  • Christine-Zhang
  • Christine Zhang

    Director of Senior AI Solution, 4 Paradigm

  • Li Bin
  • Li Bin

    Head of Data Science Team, 4 Paradigm

11:00 – 12:00

Lending and Wealth Management: Du Xiaoman’s Data-Centric Fintech Approach

As Baidu's fintech subsidiary, Du Xiaoman Financial harnesses the potential of artificial intelligence and vast data sets to deliver an array of financial solutions, encompassing everything from individual lending to sophisticated wealth management.

During this session, we'll look into the transformative impact of AI and big data in the realms of credit and risk evaluation:

  • Holistic Financial Ecosystem: Survey the comprehensive suite of services, spanning the spectrum from individual to corporate solutions.
  • AI-Driven Credit Scoring: Understand how Du Xiaoman employs data insights and analytics to ensure precise and streamlined credit evaluations.
  • Risk Mitigation: Investigate the role of cutting-edge algorithms and machine learning techniques in curtailing financial vulnerabilities and fraud
Briefing by
  • Li-Feng
  • Li Feng

    Chief Architect, Du Xiaoman Financial

12:00 – 13:00



Lufax: Elevating Wealth Management in the Digital Age

Lufax, a prestigious subsidiary of the Ping An Group, was conceived in 2011, swiftly establishing its forte in the realms of investment, wealth management, and financial asset transaction-related services. Anchored in Lujiazui, Shanghai, Lufax's impressive ascent culminated in its listing on the New York Stock Exchange in October 2020, drawing notable investors such as Primavera Capital Group and UBS.

During this session, attendees will delve into:

  • Digital Prowess: A closer look at how Lufax has revolutionised personal lending and wealth management in today's digital landscape.
  • Retail Lending Revolution: Explore how the company embraces fintech to provide smart lending, blending risk assessment with user-centric designs.
  • Global Ambitions: Trace Lufax's journey from its inception to its triumphant listing on the New York Stock Exchange and its vision for the future.

JDT:'s Technological Force Driving Industry Transformation

JDT, the tech-centric arm of, is at the forefront of cutting-edge technologies revolutionising a myriad of sectors, including finance, government, and enterprise. The company empowers financial entities to broaden their clientele, refine product operations, bolster risk detection mechanisms, and enhance the agility of information systems.

In this session, attendees will unravel the dynamics of JDT's impact:

  • Financial Tech Pioneer: Delve into how JDT has digitally transformed over 600 financial institutions, encompassing banks, insurance entities, trusts, and securities firms.
  • Innovation-Driven: Explore JDT's creativity in intelligent risk control, data centre architecture, and adept digital marketing strategies.
  • Value-driven: Grasp the essence of its dedication to furnishing clients with holistic digital plans throughout the value chain.
Briefing by
  • Yu-Jiayao-JDT
  • Yu Jiayao

    Director of Financial Industry Solutions,
    JD Technology




Breakfast and checkout


Drive to Hangzhou and in-bus briefing

12:00 – 13:00



Banking Redefined: Unleashing Innovation with MYbank's Digital-First Financial Solutions

MYbank, part of Alibaba Group, revolutionises Chinese internet banking. This Hangzhou-based digital bank uses cloud computing and AI to provide micro loans for SMEs and customised financial solutions for individuals.

We'll see firsthand how MYbank is establishing protocols to maintain data security, with an emphasis on the following areas:

  • Digital Banking: Experience MYbank’s branchless, efficient, and digital-only banking powered by pioneering technology.
  • SME Solutions: Learn how MyBank addresses the underserved SME sector using modern tools.
  • Personalised Experience and Client Relations: Understand how AI-centric algorithms improve customer engagement.
Briefing by
  • Jiang Hao
  • Jiang Hao

    Executive Director and Vice President, MYbank


The Financial Vanguard: LianLian's Digital Mastery

LianLian, headquartered in Hangzhou, is a dominant force in China's digital financial landscape. It’s the forerunner of innovative payment systems and digital finance platforms.

During this expedition, delegates will delve deep into the masterful combination of finance and technology that sets LianLian apart.

  • Integrated Payment Ecosystem: Grasp its holistic approach to digital transactions, from peer-to-peer transfers to merchant payments.
  • Security First: Delve into the layers of security and fraud detection methodologies to ensure transaction safety.
  • Financial Integration: Explore how LianLianPay integrates with banks and financial institutions, making digital payments seamless.
Briefing by
  • Shen-Enguang
  • Shen Enguang

    Co-CEO, LianLian International

  • Ma-Xiao
  • Ma Xiao

    Head of Banking Cooperation Department, LianLian International




Breakfast and checkout


Alibaba Cloud (Aliyun): China's Cloud Computing Titan on the Global Stage

Originating from the technological behemoth Alibaba Group, Alibaba Cloud is also known as Aliyun. Established in 2009 with its nerve centre in Hangzhou, China, this subsidiary has etched its mark by delivering an extensive catalogue of cloud computing and AI services.

During this session, delegates will traverse the vast expanse of its monumental presence:

  • The Cloud Atlas: Navigate the extensive suite of services the company unfurls, encompassing elastic computing, data storage, and a spectrum of advanced functionalities tailored to the modern digital enterprise.
  • A Global Digital Infrastructure: Gain insights into the extensive network of data centres that serve as the backbone of its operations, spanning the globe to ensure seamless and efficient service delivery to its vast clientele.
  • Engineering Intelligence: Understand the intricate workings of Alibaba Cloud's Machine Learning Platform for AI, offering tools that are cost-effective, high-performance and scalable to a myriad of industry applications.
Briefing by
  • William Xiong
  • William Xiong

    Vice President, Enterprise Service,
    Alibaba Cloud

  • William Yao
  • William Yao

    (a wholly-owned subsidiary of Ant Group)


Securing Business Horizons: Exploring Tongdun’s AI-Driven Risk Solutions Across Industries

Tongdun offers comprehensive risk solutions, catering to sectors like finance, internet, and retail. Tongdun’s fraud prevention, credit scoring, and risk controls demonstrate its technology’s business security potential.

During our visit, we’ll look into the adaptation of risk tools for various sectors including retail and logistics and emphasise the following subjects:

  • Real-Time Risk: Explore how immediate risk prediction enhances enterprise security.
  • Digital Fraud: Learn about intelligent detection methods.
  • Credit Assessments: Understand how AI can refine loan decision-making.
Briefing by
  • Jackal Ma
  • Jackal Ma

    Chairman, TrustDecision; Co-founder and Partner, Tongdun Technology




Hundsun Technologies: Transforming Wealth and Asset Management through Digitalisation

Established in 1995 and headquartered in Hangzhou, Hundsun Technologies serves as a pivotal player in China's financial software landscape, offering a comprehensive suite of solutions that span security, banking, funds, and even transportation.

During this visit, we’ll discover innovative asset management strategies and practical application which are modernising the financial services today.

  • Digital Transformation in Finance: Hundsun's We6 platform delivers end-to-end digitalisation, from product registration and customer acquisition to asset allocation and wealth management.
  • Recognition: Discover what brought Hundsun to Forbes' list and makes them unique in a competitive sector.
  • Innovation Culture: Explore how Hundsun fosters an innovation culture within its organization and how it stays at the forefront of technological advancements.
Briefing by
  • Wu-Zhichen
  • Wu Zhichen

    Strategic Planning Expert, Strategic Planning Management Headquarters,
    Hundsun Technologies

17:00 – 22:00

Evening Transfer to Shenzhen



10:00 – 11:30

Banking Transformed: Navigating the Confluence of Tradition and Fintech with PingAn Bank

Ping An Bank is a nationwide joint-stock commercial bank headquartered in Shenzhen, China. Embracing digital evolution, PingAn Bank enhances customer service by intertwining fintech with established banking practices.

During the visit to PingAn Bank, we’ll witness their journey of digital banking and take a closer look at the following areas:

  • Digital Integration: Discover how PingAn seamlessly incorporates digital technology into legacy banking systems.
  • Customer Service: Learn how innovative AI interfaces boost user experience and efficiency.
  • Risk and Security: Examine the technology PingAn Bank employs to identify risks and protect transactions.
Briefing by
  • Chu-Liang
  • Chu Liang

    GM, Retail R&D Centre of Financial Technology Division; Co-President, Basic Retail Business Unit, PingAn Bank

  • Chu-Liang
  • Liu Jinmiao

    GM, Basic Middle Platform R&D Centre, Financial Technology Division, PingAn Bank

  • Zeng-Yang
  • Zeng Yang

    Innovation Experiment Team Leader, Financial Technology Division, PingAn Bank

11:30 – 12:30


13:00 – 14:30

Micro Connect: Bridging Global Capital to Small Enterprises with Pioneering FinTech

Micro Connect is a private company that operates a new market infrastructure and financial technology platform designed for connecting global capital with micro and small businesses.

During this visit, attendees will gain insights into:

  • Investor Engagement: Understand how Micro Connect grants investors an unfiltered and diverse perspective into the day-to-day cash flows pulsating through China's consumer-driven stores.
  • Empowerment through Capital: Unravel the unique mechanisms rendering capital acquisition both accessible and affordable for small businesses.
  • Holistic Financial Ecosystem: Explore its comprehensive financial network, inclusive of a fund platform, cutting-edge product solutions, and a credentialed exchange.
Briefing by
  • Hao Yanshan
  • Lin Tun

    Chief Investment Officer, Micro Connect

15:00 – 16:30

WeBank: Pioneering Digital Banking with Fintech

WeBank, China’s first digital-only bank, sets new standards in banking through AI and blockchain innovation.

While visiting WeBank, we’ll investigate their collaboration effort with fintech firms for innovation and growth as well as addressing the following topics:

  • Digital-Only Banking Model: WeBank’s comprehensive digital banking system revolutionises traditional banking
  • AI in Financial Solutions: Examine the new chatbots and predictive analytics for credit assessment
  • Blockchain Innovations: Learn how they elevate transaction security, transparency and efficiency
Briefing by
  • Chen Qiao
  • Chen Qiao

    Executive Vice President, WeBank

17:00 – 18:30

iFLYTEK: Voice of the Future in AI Communication

iFLYTEK, headquartered in Hefei, stands as a global leader in voice and AI-driven advancements. Their technologies range from voice recognition to language processing, making communication more accessible and intuitive.

During this visit, delegates will explore the frontier developments that are shaping the future of communication.

  • Voice Recognition Mastery: Delve into iFLYTEK's pioneering work in converting speech to text with impeccable accuracy.
  • AI in Communication: Discover how their tools enhance everyday interactions, from customer service to personal assistants.
  • Global Language Solutions: Understand its drive in breaking down language barriers, making global communication effortless.
Briefing by
  • Pan-Tao
  • Pan Tao

    Senior Consulting Manager, Financial Technology Division, iFLYTEK



08:00 – 09:00


09:30 – 10:30

Innovating Supply Chain Finance (SCF) with Linklogis

Linklogis, founded in Shenzhen with Tencent's support, became the first Chinese supply chain finance technology SaaS company to list on the HKEX in April 2021. Since 2016, Linklogis has led the industry in supply chain, accounts receivable, and factoring financing.

During this site visit, you will acquire significant knowledge regarding the transformative impact of technology on the supply chain and financing operations of businesses.

  • Deep-Tier Financing: Delve into how Linklogis facilitates seamless capital flow within supply chains, reaching remote suppliers.
  • Blockchain Innovation: Grasp the company's groundbreaking use of blockchain for transparent, secure financial transactions.
  • Asset Diversification: Explore the firm's robust risk-assessment tools.
Briefing by
  • Xu Yan
  • Xu Yan

    Co-CTO, Linklogis

10:30 - 12:00

Jadestone Capital: Leading Venture Capitalism in the Semiconductor and Sensor Realms

Jadestone Capital is expertly steered by top executives from semiconductor and multinational telecommunications companies, complemented by leading figures as an advisory team. Jadestone boasts an impressive fund management size of USD 150 million. They've shown remarkable proficiency in the early to mid-stages of semiconductor and sensor industry investments.

During this deep dive, attendees will discern the prowess that sets Jadestone apart in the industry:

  • Integrated Circuit Excellence: Explore Jadestone's vast resources and invaluable investment experiences in the semiconductor and sensor sectors.
  • Technological Insight: Gain an understanding of its profound grasp of industry technologies and their unique judgements.
  • Strategic Alliances: Learn about the company’s influential partnerships with leading funds and how they collaboratively mould the investment landscape, ensuring sustainable growth and innovation.
Briefing by
  • Jay Huang
  • Jay Huang

    Founding Partner, Jadestone Capital


Feedback, concluding session and lunch


End of programme

People you will meet

A programme of this nature can only be presented by highly experienced professionals who have been entrenched in the industry over many years.

Barry Katz
Barry Katz
Professor, California College of the Arts,Consulting Professor,
Stanford University
Chacko Becca
Becca Carroll
Senior Director & Co-Lead, Last Mile Money Initiative,

Tour Hosts

Marla Sofer
Marla Sofer
Founder & CEO, knomee

Who should attend?

The China AI Innovation Tour is designed for:


Chairmen, chief executives and board members of banks in developing countries seeking transformational changes and innovation in their business models


Senior executives in retail, corporate, transaction banking and trade finance


Chief innovation officers, chief data officers, chief marketing officers


Business-level decision-makers in mobile banking, online payments, consumer experience, technology and operations


Heads of channels, product innovation, retail operations


Senior executives of business analytics and data management

The Investment

US$ 15,000
  • Prices stated include all site visits, meetings and activities
  • 5-night accommodation from 6 - 10 November 2023 and local transfers.
  • All breakfast, lunches and selected dinners that are part of the programme are covered for.
  • Fees exclude airfare to/from China, visa fees and airport transfers.
  • It is delegate’s own responsibility to get their visa for the programme. The Asian Banker can assist to issue confirmation letter of participants as supporting document for delegates to apply visa upon request.