The Convergence of Finance and Technology in Shenzhen and Hong Kong

Shenzhen, globally recognized as China's technology powerhouse, is at the forefront of AI, blockchain, and fintech innovations, hosting a diverse ecosystem of tech giants and nimble startups. Its blend of advanced technology and financial services heralds a new era in digital banking and finance.

Adjacent to this tech bastion, Hong Kong stands as a leading global financial centre, distinguished by its integration of traditional banking with groundbreaking fintech initiatives. This city's vibrant business environment and thriving startup scene make it an essential hub for digital finance innovation.

The Shenzhen Innovation Study Tour 2024 offers an unparalleled three-day journey through these dynamic cities, providing a deep dive into the pioneering financial technologies reshaping the global landscape. From the digital banking trailblazers in Shenzhen to the innovative virtual banks and fintech ecosystems in Hong Kong, participants will encounter the leading forces sculpting the future of finance.

Key focus areas:


Digital Banking Evolution:
Discover how virtual banks are redefining financial services with innovative, customer-first solutions.


Blockchain and AI Integration:
Explore the transformative power of blockchain and AI in enhancing transparency, efficiency, and security within the financial sector.


Innovative Financial Solutions:
Witness firsthand the latest advancements and collaborative efforts shaping fintech solutions.


Cross-Border Financial Dynamics:
Delve into the unique challenges and opportunities presented by the Greater Bay Area's diverse financial landscape.

Tour Itinerary

07:00 – 08:00

Breakfast at the Hotel

08:00 – 08:45

Welcome and Introduction

Our hosts will provide an introduction to the program, site visits, and key innovation trends to be covered during the tour.


Departure from the hotel

09:30 – 11:00

WeBank: Pioneering Digital Banking with Fintech

WeBank, China’s first digital-only bank, sets new standards in banking through AI and blockchain innovation. While visiting WeBank, we’ll investigate their collaboration effort with fintech firms for innovation and growth as well as addressing the following topics:

  • Digital-Only Banking Model: WeBank’s comprehensive digital banking system revolutionises traditional banking.
  • AI in Financial Solutions: Examine the new chatbots and predictive analytics for credit assessment.
  • Blockchain Innovations: Learn how they elevate transaction security, transparency and efficiency.
11:20 – 12:30


13:00 – 14:50

Shenzhen FinTech Association: Driving Innovation in China's Silicon Valley

Founded in 2016, the Shenzhen FinTech Association (SZFTA) is at the forefront of advancing financial technology in one of China's most vibrant economic hubs. The association has significantly contributed to the fintech landscape by facilitating growth and collaboration among over 300 member companies, ranging from startups to established financial institutions..

  • Dynamic Ecosystem Development: Learn about the Association's role in supporting over 300 companies by facilitating access to resources, policy advocacy, and fostering partnerships within the ecosystem..
  • Technological Frontiers and Innovations: Explore the cutting-edge technologies like blockchain, AI, and big data analytics that SZFTA’s members are advancing to redefine financial services.
  • Navigating Regulatory Landscapes: Gain insights into how SZFTA aids its members in understanding and adapting to regulatory changes, helping them to thrive in a complex legal environment.
15:30 – 17:00

Innovating Supply Chain Finance (SCF) with Linklogis

Linklogis, founded in Shenzhen with Tencent's support, became the first Chinese supply chain finance technology SaaS company to list on the HKEX in April 2021. Since 2016, Linklogis has led the industry in supply chain, accounts receivable, and factoring financing.

  • Deep-Tier Financing: Delve into how Linklogis facilitates seamless capital flow within supply chains, reaching remote suppliers.
  • Blockchain Innovation: Grasp the company's groundbreaking use of blockchain for transparent, secure financial transactions.
  • Asset Diversification: Explore the firm's robust risk-assessment tools.
Briefing by
  • barr katz
  • Alan Xu

    Chief AI Officer, AI Innovation Center, Linklogis

17:05 – 18:30

Credit Assessment in an Era of Revolutionisation by Lexin Fintech

Lexin Fintech, headquartered in Shenzhen, is a leader in the credit technology sector of China. They are dedicated to harnessing technology and risk management expertise to democratise financing for the younger generation of consumers.

  • Credit Risk Management: Unearth how Lexin Fintech utilises big data and artificial intelligence to enhance credit assessment, ensuring tailored offerings for its young clientele.
  • Omni-Channel Consumer Connect: Explore Lexin's approach to providing a comprehensive financing experience by integrating offline and online touchpoints.
  • Facilitating Financial Transformation: Investigate how Lexin Fintech supports the digital evolution of financial institutions through the provision of cutting-edge proprietary technologies.
Briefing by
  • barr katz
  • Erwin Yong Lu

    Chief Technology Officer, Lexin Fintech


End of the day

08:00 – 08:45

Breakfast at the Hotel


Departure from the Hotel

09:30 – 11:30

Tencent Security: Safeguarding the Digital Finance Frontier

As a critical arm of Tencent’s vast digital empire, Tencent Security has established itself as a vanguard in cybersecurity. Protecting not just their own expansive networks but also providing security solutions that underpin the safety of the financial sector, Tencent Security is a silent sentinel against digital threats.

  • Cutting-Edge Cyber Defense: Learn about Tencent Security’s advanced cybersecurity measures that protect against evolving threats in the fintech space.
  • Innovation in Action: Discover how Tencent’s security innovations are applied in real-world scenarios, from mobile payments to safeguarding digital transactions.
  • Strategic Risk Management: Gain insights into their approach to risk assessment and crisis response, critical for the safeguarding of future finance.
Briefing by
  • barr katz
  • Kola Lyu

    Fintech Solution Consultant, Tencent Cloud

  • barr katz
  • Peter Jin

    Expert of Financial Risk Control, Tencent Cloud

12:00 – 13:00


13:30 – 15:00

OneConnect: Unifying Finance with AI, Blockchain, and Cloud Innovations

OneConnect, a vital arm of the esteemed Ping An Group, is recognized for revolutionizing financial services through its comprehensive technology-as-a-service platform. Founded in 2015 and listed on the New York Stock Exchange in 2019, OneConnect stands at the forefront of facilitating digital transformations across banking, insurance, and asset management sectors.

  • Integrated Digital Solutions: Discover how OneConnect's unique cloud-based services enable seamless digital transformations for financial institutions, setting new industry benchmarks.
  • Strategic Technological Advantages: Delve into the competitive edge OneConnect holds through its use of AI, Blockchain, and Big Data, distinguishing it from its competitors.
  • Blueprint for Future Finance: Gain insights into OneConnect’s forward-looking strategies that align with global fintech development trends, fostering the digital evolution of financial institutions.
Briefing by
  • barr katz
  • Matthew Chen

    Chief Executive Officer, OneConnect Financial Technology (International)

15:30 – 17:30

Micro Connect: Bridging Global Capital to Small Enterprises with Pioneering FinTech

MicroConnect, established in Shenzhen, is an emerging star in financial technology, specialising in microfinancing solutions powered by cutting-edge technology. It offers a range of services aimed at bridging the gap between traditional financial institutions and the digital economy. With a strong focus on data security and user experience, MicroConnect is dedicated to providing secure, efficient, and user-friendly financial services, leveraging blockchain, big data, and AI.

  • Investor Engagement: Understand how Micro Connect grants investors an unfiltered and diverse perspective into the day-to-day cash flows pulsating through China's consumer-driven stores.
  • Empowerment through Capital: Unravel the unique mechanisms rendering capital acquisition both accessible and affordable for small businesses.
  • Holistic Financial Ecosystem: Explore its comprehensive financial network, inclusive of a fund platform, cutting-edge product solutions, and a credentialed exchange.
Briefing by
  • barr katz
  • Hao Yanshan (Jim)

    Senior Vice President, Micro Connect

17:30 – 19:30

Transfer to Hong Kong by bus

07:45 – 08:45



Departure from the Hotel

09:30 – 10:30

Standard Chartered Bank Hong Kong: A Legacy of Financial Excellence

Founded in 1859, Standard Chartered Bank Hong Kong is a subsidiary of the British multinational banking and financial services company, Standard Chartered. As one of Hong Kong's three note-issuing banks, Standard Chartered has established a formidable presence in the region, recognised for its robust performance and substantial contributions to the local economy.

  • Digital Banking Evolution: Discover how Standard Chartered Hong Kong leads transformation in digital banking, implementing state-of-the-art technologies to enhance customer convenience and security.
  • Wealth Management Strategies: Gain insights into how the bank leverages data analytics and personalised digital solutions to elevate its wealth management services, catering to the nuanced needs of diverse client segments.
  • Retail Banking Innovations: Explore the innovative approaches they employ to revolutionise retail banking, focusing on customer engagement and tailored financial products.
Briefing by
  • barr katz
  • Stephen Man

    MD & Head, Weatlh and Retail Banking, Hong Kong

  • barr katz
  • Eliza Law

    MD & Head, Distribution, Wealth and Retail Banking, Hong Kong

  • barr katz
  • Alson Ho

    MD & Head, Wealth Solutions, Weatlh and Retail Banking, Hong Kong

  • barr katz
  • Herbert Lam

    ED, Head, Digital Sales and Acquisition, Weatlh and Retail Banking, Hong Kong

11:15 – 12:15

FTAHK: Catalyzing Fintech Innovation and Collaboration in Hong Kong

Join us for an enlightening session at the FinTech Association of Hong Kong (FTAHK), a cornerstone in cultivating Hong Kong's dynamic fintech ecosystem. Established in 2017, FTAHK actively fosters innovation, drives financial inclusion, and supports the development of a robust fintech infrastructure. The association represents a broad spectrum of the financial sector, from established banks to pioneering fintech startups.

  • Strategic Initiatives and Impact: Understand FTAHK's role in advancing strategic initiatives that enhance Hong Kong’s position as a fintech hub.
  • Insights from Industry Pioneers: Gain perspectives from FTAHK members who are leading the charge in decentralized finance, digital asset management, and crypto asset security.
  • Policy Influence and Ecosystem Development: Explore how FTAHK collaborates with regulators and stakeholders to shape policies that foster a conducive environment for fintech innovation.
Briefing by
  • barr katz
  • Raphael Jansa

    General Manager, The Fintech Association of Hong Kong

  • barr katz
  • Philip Meyer

    Founder, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer

12:15 – 13:15

WeLab: Top Pure Online Lender in Hong Kong

WeLab is a leading force in Asia's fintech scene, operating one of the region's first licensed digital banks—WeLab Bank—and providing comprehensive online financial services. With strong operations across Hong Kong, Mainland China, and Indonesia, WeLab serves over 60 million individuals and more than 700 enterprises. Leveraging advanced AI, proprietary risk management, and patented privacy computing technologies, WeLab enhances accessibility and user experience in banking. The platform adds a new user every 3.8 seconds and manages over US$12 billion in loans, solidifying its status as Hong Kong's premier online lender.

  • Technological Excellence: Explore how WeLab leverages AI and big data to analyze 2,500+ variables in just one second, driving fast, secure lending decisions.
  • Product and Service Innovation: Delve into WeLab's diverse offerings like GoWealth, its strategic partnerships with major companies like Tesla and Apple, and its impact as a B2B fintech solutions provider enabling other businesses to launch and scale their fintech capabilities.
  • Expansion and User Engagement: Understand their strategies for maintaining its rapid user growth and expanding its reach in critical Asian markets.
Briefing by
  • barr katz
  • Jessica Lam

    Group Chief Strategy Officer, WeLab

14:00 – 15:30

ZA Bank: Setting the Standard in Next-Generation Banking

ZA Bank, established as Hong Kong's first virtual bank in 2019, epitomizes the radical shift towards digital banking in the Asia-Pacific region. With a customer-centric approach, ZA Bank leverages innovative technology to offer simplified banking solutions, making financial services more accessible, efficient, and secure for its users. As a frontrunner in the virtual banking space, ZA Bank has set new benchmarks for the industry in terms of product innovation and user experience.

  • Digital Banking Pioneers: Experience the innovative approaches that make ZA Bank a leader in Hong Kong’s virtual banking sector.
  • Customer-Centric Services: Understand how ZA Bank’s focus on customer needs leads to the development of tailored and intuitive financial products.
  • Technological Integration: Explore the technology and security frameworks underpinning ZA Bank’s digital-first banking solutions, ensuring user safety and operational efficiency.
Briefing by
  • barr katz
  • Wei Xu

    President, ZA International

15:30 – 16:30

Feedback and Concluding Session

We will recap the site visits and discussions with experts and exchange personal conclusions, ideas and inspirational thoughts. Delegates will be asked to present their feedback and takeaways from the tour.


End of the Programme

People you will meet

Barry Katz
Alan Xu
Chief AI Officer, AI Innovation Center, Linklogis
Chacko Becca
Erwin Yong Lu
Chief Technology Officer,
Lexin Fintech
Chacko Becca
Matthew Chen
Chief Executive Officer, OneConnect Financial Technology (International)
Chacko Becca
Hao Yanshan (Jim)
Senior Vice President at Micro Connect 
Chacko Becca
Stephen Man
MD & Head, Weatlh and Retail Banking, Hong Kong  
Chacko Becca
Eliza Law
MD & Head, Distribution, Wealth and Retail Banking, Hong Kong
Chacko Becca
Alson Ho
MD & Head, Wealth Solutions, Weatlh and Retail Banking, Hong Kong
Chacko Becca
Herbert Lam
ED, Head, Digital Sales and Acquisition, Weatlh and Retail Banking, Hong Kong
Chacko Becca
Wei Xu
President, ZA International
Chacko Becca
Kola Lyu
Fintech Solution Consultant,
Tencent Cloud
Chacko Becca
Peter Jin
Expert of Financial Risk Control, Tencent Cloud
Chacko Becca
Jessica Lam
Group Chief Strategy Officer, WeLab
Chacko Becca
Raphael Jansa
General Manager, The Fintech Association of Hong Kong
Chacko Becca
Philip Meyer
Founder, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer

Tour Hosts

Marla Sofer
Marla Sofer
Founder & CEO, knomee

Who should attend?

The Shenzhen & Hong Kong Innovation Study Tour is designed for:


Chairmen, CEOs, and board members of banks in emerging economies seeking to integrate innovation into their organisational business models.


Senior executives in retail, corporate, transaction banking, and trade finance.


C-level executives, including Chief Innovation Officers, Chief Data Officers, and Chief Marketing Officers.


Decision-makers responsible for mobile banking, online payments, consumer experience, technology, and operations.


Leaders in charge of channels, product innovation, and retail operations.


Senior executives specialising in business analytics and data management.

The Investment

US$ 6,800

  • Full access to the Shenzhen & Hong Kong Innovation Study Tour 2024 (20 - 22 May)
  • Access to The Asian Banker Summit 2024 (23 May)
  • Access to tour and conference slides & videos
  • 4-night accommodation (19 - 22 May)
  • All program-related breakfasts, lunches, and select dinners
  • Excludes airfare, visa fees, and airport transfers.