As banks and new financial institutions scale talented individuals into management positions, some from outside the industry, there is a need to equip them with an intuitive understanding of all of the disciplines of the industry. All levels of decision making in the banking today demand a high level of industry and broad knowledge and skills at a global level, no matter how small the institution.

The Senior Bank Management Leadership programme was developed by The Banking Academy over several years to demands from banks that want to scale their promising executives and even board members in order to respond to new challenges as they arise.

The programme features intense learning with deep content, but more importantly, mentorship from a faculty of practitioners and industry thought leaders. The year long programme is structured around a weeklong in-campus training, followed by tactical sessions conducted online and a one-year membership access to new content and discussions as they develop, supporting both technical as well as leadership skills of participants.

This programme is global in its orientation, and includes a library of case studies and best practices that will give your executives a clear confidence in building their own world class institutions in the course of their careers.

This programme is designed for

Next generation senior management in banks

Highly promising management at both entry and mid-career levels who need to be scaled up to a strategic level on all aspects of the industry and supplement the organisation-specific training that they already receive.

This programme is designed for

  • Next-generation senior management

    Promising leaders transitioning to strategic roles, building on their existing training.

  • Strategic planners

    Executives involved in strategic planning, benchmarking, GAP analysis, and scenario planning.

  • Board members

    Individuals from other industries needing an introduction to banking for informed decision-making.

  • Investors in financial institutions

    Investors and professionals seeking insights to assess financial institutions for M&A, IPOs, and other initiatives.

This programme is designed for

Next-generation senior management

Promising leaders transitioning to strategic roles, building on their existing training.

Strategic planners

Executives involved in strategic planning, benchmarking, GAP analysis, and scenario planning.

Board members

Individuals from other industries needing an introduction to banking for informed decision-making.

Investors in financial institutions

Investors and professionals seeking insights to assess financial institutions for M&A, IPOs, and other initiatives.

Areas to be covered

We will cover the following areas in the programme both during the onsite and through tactical sessions over the course of one year:

Key trends shaping the future of banking globally

Navigating the balance sheet (ROA, ROE, CIR)

Cybersecurity and operational risk

Technology and operations

Areas to be covered

We will cover the following areas in the programme both during the onsite and through tactical sessions over the course of one year:

Key trends shaping the future of banking globally

Navigating the balance sheet (ROA, ROE, CIR)

Cybersecurity and operational risk

Technology and operations

Skills to be gained from this programme

Participants can expect to gain the following skills and experiences through this programme:

  • Global Insights: Deep understanding of industry trends and competitive dynamics.
  • Strategic Indicators: Mastery of commercial banking metrics, including balance sheets and benchmarks.
  • Operational Refresh: Update on key areas like treasury, risk management, technology, and HR.
  • Global Perspective: Evaluate your institution against global best practices.
  • Networking: Connect with peers from around the world.
  • Leadership Preparation: Ready yourself for leadership roles within your organisation.

Skills to be gained from this programme

Participants can expect to gain the following skills and experiences through this programme:

Global Insights

Deep understanding of industry trends and competitive dynamics.

Strategic Indicators

Mastery of commercial banking metrics, including balance sheets and benchmarks.

Operational Refresh

Update on key areas like treasury, risk management, technology, and HR.

Global Perspective

Evaluate your institution against global best practices.


Connect with peers from around the world.

Leadership Preparation

Ready yourself for leadership roles within your organisation.

Features of this programme

The features of this programme are clearly targeted at senior decision makers:

Current Content

Continuously updated with the latest industry developments.

Global Focus

Covers key institutions, trends, and developments worldwide.

Mental Framework

Provides a comprehensive understanding of critical issues.

Benchmark Data

Offers precise metrics for key operational areas.


Trainers also serve as mentors.

Interactive Learning

Includes simulation exercises for practical experience.

Comprehensive Materials

Access to primary reading and course resources for future reference.

Customised Training

Tailored to incorporate your institution's structure.

The Programme

Before the in-campus week in Oxford, participants will:

  • Complete self-assessment questionnaires on their goals and focus areas.
  • Finish assigned preliminary reading.
  • Watch designated videos and answer related questions.
  • Attend the first online meet-up on Thursday, 20 March 2025, at 9am GMT.

The programme starts with an intensive week in Oxford, where faculty and invited speakers will provide a comprehensive industry overview, laying the groundwork for the tactical sessions that follow.

In-Campus Week in Oxford - From 07 April 2025 to 11 April 2025

The programme begins with an intensive week in Oxford, where the faculty members and invited speakers will guide delegates through foundational sessions, providing a comprehensive industry overview and preparing them for the subsequent tactical sessions.

Day 1



  • The Programme and Participants
  • The Faculty and Conversations
  • The Participants and Expectations


Key global trends shaping the banking industry today

We begin the programme by outlining a wide range of key developments, from geo-politics, to global regulation, the platform economy, technology and digital assets that have a bearing on how the financial services industry will evolve in the foreseeable future. This will be a mind-opening session not found in any other programme anywhere in the world and sets the stage for senior managers attending this programme to anchor their own worldviews in the context of global trends.


Benchmarking of digital banks, payment systems, digital wallets and traditional banks

In this session, we delve into a balance scorecard approach to appreciate the trade-offs between the many different priorities in a banking business. These includes the balance sheet, treasury, technology, operations, customer relationship management, human resources, operational risks and products. We will share with you our own benchmarks of digital banks, payment platforms, leading fintechs from around the world against traditional banks.

Participants will engage with a comprehensive repository of strategic, operational, and competitive insights that define these players. This session provides a strategic understanding of different banking models—platforms, traditional banks, and disruptors—laying the groundwork for the rest of the programme.


Working Lunch


Shareholder commitments: Financial performance goals of leading players

After we get a big picture perspective of the global mega trends that have an impact on the industry, and also a holistic operational perspective, we dive right into the financials, to be able to tell the same story in numbers.

There will be several presentations to help us navigate this session starting with a study of the strongest banks by items in the balance sheet – including cost-to-income, ROE, cross-sell and other ratios that define them, Participants will be able to identify the kind of matrix they should expect to see in their own institutions.

We will discuss case studies of specific banks that demonstrate exceptional benchmarks that participants should aspire for their own institutions. We will also discuss fintech disruptors that are valued higher than banks, but we will drill down to their operational numbers, especially new disruptors like BNPLs, to show how they differ from their traditional peers.


The management’s perspective of Enterprise Risk Management (ERM)

In this session, we will focus on a holistic perspective on setting the parameters of enterprise risk management that senior management must possess at the management and board levels. We will look at culture, reporting and the interactions that brings to life an ERM framework. Our highly experienced faculty will draw lessons from ERM failures in recent years that participants can learn from. Also stress testing against adverse scenarios.


Welcome Dinner with a selection of fintech start-ups in the UK

Day 2


Reading into the balance sheet

We start this session with a review on the basic elements that regulators and Basel III regime puts on banks, the roles of regulatory capital, liquidity management and how the strategy of the bank must revolve around these.

While the session will be technical, participants will be supported with background reading materials and follow-up sessions to ensure a solid understanding. The discussion aims to help participants practically grasp the essentials of balance sheet management and anticipate future trends, particularly in the context of digital banking evolution.


Treasury, Asset Liability Management (ALM) and Funds Transfer Pricing (FTP)

This session explores the critical day-to-day responsibilities of managing the cost of funds, capital, and liquidity within a bank. Effective liquidity management, particularly in response to product and market changes, requires significant managerial skill.

Participants will gain a deeper understanding of how the treasury function is central to a bank’s product development and profit strategies. The session will also focus on the essential relationships and organisational skills needed at the treasury, Asset Liability Management (ALM), and Funds Transfer Pricing (FTP) levels to create a successful and resilient organisation.


Discussion over lunch


Advanced credit risk management

Building on the previous discussions, this session delves into the complexities of assessing and managing the credit quality of assets across different client pools. Participants will explore advanced topics, including:

  • Integrating credit risk into the pricing of products and services
  • Managing corporate credit risk effectively
  • Addressing credit risk for small businesses, particularly in a digital environment


Mapping an IT strategy

This session addresses the critical aspects of developing a robust IT strategy that ensures operational resilience amid digital transformation. Key areas of focus will include:

  • Vendor selection and management
  • Core banking replacement
  • In-house and external application development

Participants will explore the latest IT vendor propositions, guiding banks through the transition from mainframes to the cloud. We will also delve into the development of open-source computing, application programming interfaces (APIs), and user-developed applications in ways that are groundbreaking for the banking industry. The session will discuss how organisations can be structured to leverage the speed and agility required by digital banking, enabling retail, wealth management, and small business sectors to operate on a unified infrastructure.

Free Evening

Day 3


Site Visits: The elements of Retail and Small Business Banking

There is a lot to discuss about retail financial services, as this is the lynchpin of most of the banks the participants come from. Some of the tactical issues have been scheduled for coverage during the online sessions. At the in-person programme, we would like to take a visual and interactive site visits in London today. The proposed site visits are to the following:

  • Guest Speaker #1: Optimising branch networks in a highly competitive market, Senior Executive, Lloyds TSB
  • Guest Speaker #2: Discussions on Product, Pricing and Relationships with Monzo Bank
  • Guest Speaker #3: Building a sustainable Small Business Banking Model with OakNorth
  • Guest Speaker #4: Building cross-border payments with Wise.

The actual site visits will be confirmed closer to the date.


Working Lunch


Mapping decentralised and traditional finance into each other

In this brief but essential session, we will explore the key features of blockchains, cryptocurrencies, and the metaverse, and how these elements can be integrated into traditional banking frameworks. Participants will gain a deep understanding of the speed and latency inherent in decentralised finance (DeFi) and how these factors are beginning to influence conventional banking operations, particularly in treasury and markets.

The session will compare best practices in DeFi with those in traditional finance, equipping participants with the knowledge to navigate and adapt to these emerging changes.


The advent of AI and quantum computing

In this session, we will explore the emerging technologies of artificial intelligence (AI) and quantum computing and their potential impact on the banking industry. Participants will survey the latest generative AI applications currently being introduced and examine how these technologies are reshaping banking operations. We will also discuss how banks should be organised to effectively integrate and leverage these advanced technologies for strategic advantage.

  • Integrating credit risk into the pricing of products and services
  • Managing corporate credit risk effectively
  • Addressing credit risk for small businesses, particularly in a digital environment

Free Evening

Day 4

Role Playing Day

On the fourth day we will set out to role play


Scenario planning for the bank you want to build

On the final day of the in-person programme, we will engage in two workshops. The first focuses on developing a strategic and scenario planning map tailored to the banking industry. Participants will learn how to interpret recent developments in the context of broader industry trends and create institutional milestones for their own banks, drawing inspiration from the milestones achieved by other leading institutions.

Participants will be tasked with creating time series maps based on case studies of specific banks, critically assessing key industry developments. This exercise will culminate in a collaborative class discussion, where participants will exchange insights and perspectives using key terms provided during the session.


Bank Simulation Exercise I – Strategic decision-making in action

The most effective way to internalise the concepts of risk management, credit, and liquidity management, and to apply them strategically, is through a hands-on simulation exercise. We will utilise a bank simulation platform developed by New York University, where participants will be divided into groups to compete under various market conditions and scenarios.

In this business simulation, participants will experience:

  • Setting a business strategy for their financial institution
  • Execute the strategy by making decisions across various lines of business, including marketing, pricing, operations, IT, human resources, and asset-liability management.
  • Assess the impact of their decisions on profitability and shareholder objectives.
  • Collaborate with peers to make informed decisions

A second simulation exercise will be conducted online six months later, allowing participants to build on the lessons learned during this initial exercise.

Working Lunch


Personal Roadmaps and Follow Up Sessions

We will take the feedback of the cohort to design the scheduled online sessions that will be run through the course of the year. Depending on the interest of the participants, we can focus on more tactical issues for the online session or continue with strategic issues in arears that are of the greatest interest.


Final night dinner

After the week in the UK, this programme will go entirely digital and online, giving each participant an annual membership to periodic, very tactical sessions as stated below.

22 May 2025

09:00 - 11:00

Elements of Consumer Credit Risk Analysis

In this workshop we will discuss what about your credit risk portfolios you need to pay attention to:

  • Why is credit risk part of the pricing of our products and services
  • How is credit risk organised in our bank
  • How is credit risk applied to our different businesses

19 Jun 2025

09:00 - 11:00

Distribution and multi-channel management strategies

The session will provide valuable insights into the key performance drivers for each banking channel, along with an understanding of shifting consumer trends and their impact on channel management strategies. We will explore the integration of multiple channels, including branch design, internet banking, ATMs, and call centres, with a focus on best practices from leading institutions.

Participants will also examine case studies of banks that have excelled in distribution and multi-channel management, offering practical examples of success in this critical area of banking operations.

24 Jul 2025

09:00 - 11:00

Leveraging customer analytics, sales and marketing, brand and customer perception

The session will provide valuable insights into how having an acute knowledge of customers represents the hallmark of a good business. Participants will explore the strategies employed by leading banks to build robust customer knowledge infrastructures, alongside effective sales and marketing approaches that enhance brand perception.

One of the key challenges of a bank is understanding the customer and how to reach out to them. The session begins by examining customer analytics, from data capture right through to how analytics is deployed throughout the bank. Further discussions will involve, amongst others, advertising, direct marketing, CRM, above-the-line, below-the-line spending. Also, the key matrices that a bank should use to manage customer effectiveness

21 Aug 2025

09:00 - 11:00

Basics of cybersecurity for financial institutions

This session provides a foundational understanding of cybersecurity principles tailored to the unique challenges faced by financial institutions. Participants will learn about the key threats and vulnerabilities in the banking sector, including data breaches, phishing attacks, and ransomware. The session will cover essential strategies for protecting sensitive financial data, ensuring regulatory compliance, and implementing robust security protocols to safeguard both the institution and its customers. Through practical examples and case studies, participants will gain insights into best practices for maintaining a secure and resilient banking environment.

18 Sep 2025

09:00 - 11:00

Navigating a commercial bank’s involvement in investment banking and capital markets

This session starts with examining the role of investment banks in financial intermediation and their position in the global financial market. It addresses the fundamental question: What exactly is an investment bank?

The session then provides an overview of investment banking activities, from both sell and buy sides, as well as syndication. Sell side activities discussed include Corporate Finance (equity / debt underwriting, brokerage and sales), Corporate Advisory (M&A / corporate restructuring), and Trading (equity / debt / forex / commodity / derivatives). Buy side activities discussed include pension funds, mutual funds, hedge funds, private equity, venture capital, and sovereign funds. Syndication (equity / debt) is also discussed, particularly securitisation (debt) and structured finance (equity / debt).

The session will also explore strategic issues facing investment banks in Asia, including global competition, legal structures, capital adequacy, corporate governance, Basel II, and accounting rule changes.

Finally, we will review recent and emerging trends in investment banking, highlighting potential opportunities and threats. Case studies will feature "best-in-class" investment banks from the US, UK, and Europe, examining their competitive strategies, core competencies, and sources of competitive advantage, and considering how banks in Asia might adopt these best practices.

16 Oct 2025

09:00 - 11:00

Update on AI applications in banking today

This session will explore how the banking industry has increasingly shifted toward a more customer-centric model, drawing comparisons with other industries that are further along in this evolution. We will examine customer and employee-centric metrics, such as Net Promoter Scores, and how these metrics are influenced by the digital transformation.

The session will also focus on customer-centric interfaces, including chatbots, and discuss best practices for their deployment. A key emphasis will be placed on the importance of generating meaningful conversations with customers as part of a bank's digital strategy. Additionally, we will address the critical balance between managing data privacy and achieving greater customer intimacy in the digital world.

20 Nov 2025

09:00 - 11:00

Correspondent Banking, Cash Management, Cross-border Payments

This session will focus on the establishment and management of counter-party relationships crucial for transaction banking. We will outline the critical success factors necessary for building and maintaining these relationships effectively.

Participants will gain insights into how local banks leverage international correspondent banking services for credit, deposit, collection, clearing, and payment processing. Through case studies, we will explore the dynamics of these relationships, highlighting their mutual benefits and the challenges they pose. Additionally, the session will examine how the ongoing revolution in payments and the emergence of new cross-border payment systems could potentially transform the traditional "bridging" role of international correspondents.

18 Dec 2025

09:00 - 09:00

Advanced Bank Simulation Exercise 2 - Strategic Decision-Making in Action

As the programme concludes, participants will engage in a second simulation exercise, conducted remotely, to internalise the comprehensive knowledge gained throughout the course. This exercise focuses on the practical application of risk management, credit, and liquidity management principles, allowing participants to experience the strategic decision-making challenges faced by senior executives.

In this business simulation, participants will:

  • Set a business strategy for their financial institution
  • Execute the strategy by managing various lines of business, including marketing, pricing, operations, IT, human resources, and asset-liability management
  • Evaluate the impact of their decisions on bottom-line profitability and shareholder objectives
  • Understand the interrelationships between different business units

This exercise is designed to consolidate participants' learning and prepare them for the complex decision-making environments they will encounter in their roles.

09:00 - 11:00

Reading and Viewing Material

From 1 January 2025, we will be releasing a series of reading material

  • Listening to interviews with leading global bankers
  • Reading the balance sheets and published data of selected leading banks around the world to reflect the different business types. Identifying operational benchmarks from leading financial institutions around the world.

We will provide Research Notes that contain “The Banks We Like” in this business and a Balanced Scorecard Perspective (Financials, Customers, Processes, Learning)

  • The Mutual Fund Business
  • The Automobile Lending Business
  • The Mortgage Business
  • The Consumer Credit Business
  • The Credit Card Business
  • Islamic Financial Services
  • Corporate and Investment Banking
  • Trade Finance
  • Transaction Banking

Anchored by a highly qualified team of experts

The programme is anchored and delivered by some of the most experienced professionals in the industry.

Barry Katz
Urs Bolt
International Resource Director
The Asian Banker
Barry Katz
Nick Dove
Bank Analyst and Executive Director at UBS
Barry Katz
Emmanuel Daniel
Founder, TAB Global
Chacko Becca
Axel Winter
Chief Digital & Technology Officer,
Partner & Advisor
Chacko Becca
Philippe Paillart
Chairman and CEO of DBS Bank
Chacko Becca
Christian Kapfer
Research Director, TABInsights

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